Tuesday, December 7, 2010

And now... friends WITH benefits

It's amazing the changes that can take place over a few days. When we last left the intrepid Ivey and Vince, Ivey was waxing sincerely sentimental about the delights of friendship. And it's true, there's nothing like it. But I was also boring myself (and probably my dear readers) silly with my constant whining. So move forward a few days -- to Sunday night to be precise -- and our friends from this post also came to town.

For a variety of reasons, I can't go into the details but we have a LOT in common with this couple. They stayed with us for a few days and we shared a lot of laughs, swapped some stories, had a few drinks, spent a few hours riding roller coasters, enjoyed an hour or so on a nature walk, and one evening of super sexy fun.

Did I mention this couple is SEXY?

The fact that they're young and attractive is actually the least of their virtues; they're also smart, involved, adventurous, sweet, generous, talented, and creative. And that, m'friends, is the key. The "benefits" of the last couple of days were awesome (I do have a jones now for boobies and I have to say, this gal RUINS me!) but if we'd just hung out, I swear I wouldn't have regretted a minute of our shared time together, just as I didn't regret a minute of time with Hubman and my other friends. That said, I think the shared experience just took a great thing and made it better. And it was good for all of us.

One of the conversations we had was that if the friendship is genuine, if the shared perspective is real and easy, then the sexual aspect doesn't threaten the relationship -- not the friendship, not the marriages. It's not like when you're single and dating and looking for some time of long-term romantic relationship; you already have that. The sexual play is just that -- play. And like kids on a playground the four of us had a fun-filled few days.

It looks like we may have an opportunity to see these folks again later in the Spring. But if we do or not, it's nice having people who we can share this part of ourselves with. It's relaxing, easy.

With or without benefits, good friends are just fuckin' awesome!


  1. We know exactly how you feel. Our new friends are close, but it is not that easy to see one another on a regular basis. The friendship factor is incredible, which has made the sexual more satisfying. We are planning a Vegas trip shortly, which of course I will discuss in a future blog.

    Very interesting post..thanks Ivey!!
