Thursday, January 14, 2010

HNT -- This is a first

I'm taking a break from the storyline to bring you my first ever HNT. I have to learn more about this but first, a few Ivey facts:

1 -- From the time I was first self aware I have hated my body. I've been ashamed, embarrassed, and fearful coupled with ridiculed, belittled, and bedeviled.

2 -- This past year, I made peace with my body-image. This doesn't mean I'm happy with it.

3 -- The first naked photo of me EVER (not counting baby pics) was taken in May of '09 at the age of 43.

4 -- I can count on one hand the number of bathing suit photos of me taken between childhood and my mid-forties.

So, without further ado -- Ivey Lane: Behind the Blinds.


  1. Well I think that is a tasteful and attractive picture! Especially for your first one. Nice tits also!

  2. This is a beautiful picture! nicely done!

  3. Between this picture and the one in your sidebar, I don't see anything that you need to worry about! Welcome to HNT! Hope that you keep it up!

  4. Beautiful! Be proud! You are gorgeous!

  5. What a gorgeous shot! I love it!

  6. That's quite the start! Welcome to the HNT fun, it's good to have you around.

    Happy HNT!

  7. Welcome to HNT! You have a gorgeous first picture - very artistic too. Well done! :)
    Happy HNT!

  8. very nice picture

    happy HNT

  9. We hope that you continue to embrace and love who you are, all of you. I can relate what you are saying and can only tell you it is so worth it. I may not love every picture John takes but I like more of them than I veto; that has definitely not always been the case. Very creative photo. Glad you posted on HNT. Ann

  10. Thank you all so much for the kind words! Special thanks to Hubman for the original encouragement and to Emmy and Britni for the inspiration. I'm looking forward to getting to know the rest of you better as well. :)

    You all are great!

  11. wowwwwwww amazing photo. sexy image - you lady, have it.

  12. This is an outstanding photo if it were your 100th but the fact that it is your first makes it even more wonderful. Way to go!!!

  13. Good afternoon Ivey Lane,

    You're off to a fine start!

  14. This is really a great shot - angle, contrasty lighting, tasteful nudity....would you mind if I use this for e[lust]? I'm sure you haven't heard of it but the link to it is in my blogger profile. I'd either use it in the sidebar or with an edition and with links back to your original post. Email me and let me know what you think :)

  15. So beautiful Ivy. Thank you for sharing. You are lovely and look forward to more. Great start!

  16. It has be said before but this is a GREAT HNT!

  17. So beautiful!!!!!


  18. You have nothing to be ashamed of
