Friday, January 14, 2011

14-365 Weights (and a lotta work!)

A quick pic from my gym. I work out three times a week at a place a few blocks from my house. It's a small fitness center owned and operated by the sweetest personal trainer ever. Since I started working out there a few years ago she got divorced and now is the sole support for herself and her two teenage children. The other day, I saw on FB that she was selling her wedding ring set to help make ends meet. I work hard but I don't kid myself. Compared to most every single person on the planet, I've got it pretty easy.
Speaking of work though, Vince and my work schedule just got a whole lot busier and in a great way. We're currently working on a very large and cool project (I should actually be working on that at this moment but thought I'd just take a second to post) and knew we had three more lined up. We just found out we have two more as well. In our business, this will fill our calendar until at least the fall. Yes!! Gotta support our lifestyle. LOL

Alright, enough. Back to work!


  1. This comment is for yesterday's post. This reminds me when we living on our boat and spent Dec and Jan at Vero Beach on a mooring ball. We had no heat unless we were connect to shore power which we were not. There were several nights when it was really cold and we did not dare touch except for the necessary touching to have sex.

  2. Gotta love a buff chick :-)

    And congrats on all of the new work, you and Vince must be doing something right!
